Move! Activate! Remember!
Southern Exposure
San Francisco CA
May 18th and 19th, 2007
A Weekend of Projects, Publications and Performances by the Journal of Aesthetics and Protest
Join the Los Angeles based Journal of Aesthetics and Protest for a weekend of activity, dialogue and production. The Journal’s aim is to activate culture with smart, anti-authoritarian discussions, publications, and events to help build good things and stop bad things in the world. Founded in 2001, the Journal is co-edited by Cara Baldwin, Marc Herbst, Robby Herbst, and Christina Ulke.
Reenactment of Anna Halprin's Blank Placard Dance.
The score, originally performed in 1968 along with John Rockwell and the San Francisco Dancer's Workshop, suggests moving through the city with blank placards. In a casual email conversation with the Journal of Aesthetics & Protest regarding the reenactment of the piece, Halprin suggested "I have often thought that if I were to do the blank placards again I would ask the performers to gather comments from the on lookers such as what would you like to protest, then reach a destination point and scribble on the blank their protests and turn around and march back to where you began." As such, when we did the reenactment we were amazed by the variety of projections voluntarily called out to us as our moving line of dancers snaked its way through SF's Mission District.
