From Global Justice to Antiwar and
Back Again: A Personal Chronicle of a Season of ‘Better
to Laugh than Cry” Antiwar Activism.
by Ben Shepard

The months of activism from February through March were some
of the most exhilarating, depressing, riveting, and charged
as any I can remember. If a mood became too intense—another
bombing or jump in public opinion—shifted the political
climate with a bit of relief or more bad news. The ground remained
in constant flux.
After grieving for what felt like a loss of the global justice
movement, one of the most amazing movements of our lifetimes
after 9/11, autopsies proved premature. Fall of 2002, the antiwar
movement built the infrastructure of the global justice movement
to create a momentum unprecedented in any peace movement in
history. I will never forget hearing the roars at Reverend Billy
and the Church of Stop Shopping’s 9/11 first anniversary
show. Kurt Vonnegut spoke about Slaughterhouse Five.
People were hooting and hollering in the standing-room-only
rally/ service at St. Mark’s Church. Somehow, a year’s
worth of somber memories and frustrations were released. In
the months to follow, more and more citizens stood up to challenge
the buffoonery of the notion that the most appropriate response
to the slaughter of innocent lives was killing more of them.
“War is so 20th Century,” signs at rallies read.
“Somewhere in Texas, there is a village missing an idiot,”
another sign proclaimed on February 15th, the largest day of
simultaneous protest in world history. Building on the lessons
of the global justice movement, this new antiwar movement of
protest would be funny, full of joy, engaging and entertaining
at the same time. It would challenge the banality of the “bomb
first, ask questions later” approach of the Bushies. And
it would succeed in mobilizing people across the country to
speak as world citizens in solidarity with people across the
globe. Labor unions, church groups, civil libertarians, women’s
and queer groups would speak out about common fears of a loss
of civil liberties and anger over the inequality-expanding economic
agenda disguised by this war. The New York city council would
pass a resolution opposing the war. Within this opposition,
a global peace and justice movement took hold, pulling in masses
in ways the global justice movement in North America had never
done. The following is a personal account of the peak months
of antiwar activism, as a movement found its footing.
In the days before the October 27th
demonstration in Washington, members of Reclaim the Streets,
the New York City Direct Action Network and the Lower East Side
Collective organized to form Mobilize New York and An Absurd
Response to an Absurd War. Together we began to plan for a carnival
block for the DC march. In addition to going to march, Mobilize
New York helped organize a list of pithy weekly antiwar action
alerts with thousands of members. Every time someone signed
up for our mailing list, we gave them stylish pink and black
“All War All the Time?” stickers advertising “log
on, plug in, stop the war - weekly antiwar alerts.” By
December 2002, these stickers could be witnessed on sidewalks,
lampposts, bumpers, subways, and phone booths throughout the
city. We signed up high school kids, parents, the usual suspects
from direct action circles and Upper West Side liberals. People
from all walks of New York life signed up for the list, ready
to speak out and take action against the war.
Activists chained themselves together in Hillary Clinton’s
office the day she voted to approve the war. Increasingly, people
were becoming aware this war was going to happen regardless
of whether voters wanted it or not. The President’s "National
Security Strategy of the United States," submitted to Congress
in September 2002, said as much: "The United States will
not hesitate to strike pre-emptively against its enemies, even
if it faces international opposition, and will never again allow
its military supremacy to be threatened…. In the new world
we have entered, the only path to peace and security is the
path of action." War is peace. 1984 had ceased to be a
cautionary tale. “Ignorance is strength” had moved
from satire to serious. And people from all walks of American
life were smelling bullshit (see Shepard,
As the global justice movement contended with the 9/11 backlash,
with military troops on the ground, the question remained: What
was the appropriate response?
The night before the massive
February 15th rally and marches, a group of culture jammers—many
from RTS/Mobilize New York—organized what they thought
was the ultimate culture jam moment: a completely straight,
i.e., not satirical, response to the war. In the middle of the
Times Square military recruiting station, the group laid out
candles and posters reading: “Bring Them Home Now.”
The posters aimed to reclaim the icon of the yellow ribbon –
a peace sign co-opted during the previous Gulf War. To really
be patriotic, this group suggested Americans had to call get
the troops out of harm’s way. Of course, the following
day was one of the largest protests in world history, with over
a half million clogging the New York City streets and streets
around the world. Two days later, the New York Times cover story
compared the weekend's mobilization with the Velvet Revolution
of 1989 and the Revolutions of 1848 (
Within a week of F15, Turkey, the model
of Arab democracy, and one praised by the administration, voted
to reject the American offer of billions for the use of their
land for a northern front in the war. Later in the week, press
secretary Ari Fleisher was laughed off the stage during his
press briefing for denying the US was trying to bribe foreign
nations for UN votes. The Bush Administration was facing an
obstinate foe. The Times article after the week’s demonstrations
suggested, “"The fracturing of the Western alliance
over Iraq and the huge antiwar demonstrations around the world
this weekend are reminders that there may still be two superpowers
on the planet: the United States and world public opinion.”
The problem was, the Bushies were not listening.
“If Bush attacks Iraq, Protest 5:00 PM Times Square,”
the pink and black Mobilize New York stickers designed by L.A.
Kauffman suggested. By mid March, many of us were aware that
day was quickly approaching. By March 20th, we received Kauffman’s
ominous e-mail: “The war has begun; it's time to get out
in the streets! However you choose to express your feelings
on this sad and ominous day - through solemn vigils, loud marches,
or nonviolent direct action - we urge you to take immediate
and visible action.” A special Mobilize New York Alert
announced: “Dear friends, The unthinkable is happening.
Right now, the United States is bombing Iraq. Despite a brick
wall of opposition, George W. Bush and his minions are pressing
forward… This afternoon (Thursday), TAKE TO THE STREETS.
Bring your rage, your grief, your love and respect for democracy
and human life.” I don’t know if we won much anything
that rainy, dark afternoon, as the skies poured. The police
restricted the movement of most activists on the ground, coraling
and beating many of the activists who had arrived. Yet, to a
degree, they did the activists a favor, clogging up most the
streets and creating highly dramatic scenes for the TV news
cameras. By merely calling for a demo, the police shut it down
Times Square for the activists and commuters alike. News throughout
the evening followed reports of demonstrations across the country.
It detailed the rise of a new kind of patriotic anti- war activism,
stories on Bush's failed diplomacy, the NYC demo in Times Square,
the Dixie Chicks against the war, those amazing San Franciscans,
1000 of whom got arrested for really shutting down the San Francisco
Financial Center. Whether the Bushies wanted to hear it, a real
debate about peace and justice was emerging.
In the days after the US invasion, a number of observers compared
this time to that of Weimar Berlin. Jimmy Breslin quoted from
Hitler’s speech justifying pre emptive invasion of Poland
in 1939. “As always, I attempted to bring about, by the
peaceful method of making proposals for revision, an alteration
of this intolerable position” but diplomatic measures
failed, Hitler explained. Certainly, these comparisons are the
are the highest of drama. Yet, the words remained eerie, strikingly
familiar, and threatening. An executive producer of a CBS miniseries
about Adolf Hitler's rise to power was been fired for making
a similar comparison ("Hitler" producer fired for
comparison to US, Thu, Apr 10). In an essay entitled, “Fear
American Style” Historian Corey Robin reminds us the majority
of the persecution, which occurred during the McCarthy period
occurred not by government but took place in Civil Society through
dismissals such as this. So, for those with the propensities
to barrow and compare with other similarly reaction periods
of US and world history, there was plenty to be considered.
Certainly, there are similarities between the fascism’s
melding of corporate industrial power and government and the
current scene. But there are also differences. As many would
point out Hitler, for example, was elected to power by a clear
Yet, the question remained - what if it we were living in an
era not unlike Weimar Berlin? The culture of that era –
the Fritz Lang movies, the literature – Sigfriend Kracauer,
the arts – from Bauhaus, to DaDa to Agit prop, Max Beckman,
Otto Dix to, the decadence, they offer us the most eloquent
stories of a diagnosis of decline. They offer us testimony of
the best in living that people could do. Psychologically, there
is a flip side to destruction and that is generativaty. In the
days after 9/11 the city was filled with that sort of creativity.
Reverend Billy performed show after show after the bombing,
presenting the stories those who were killed in the bombing
who left messages of “I love you… I’ve loved
the life we had together,” on answering machines and in
the cosmos. In the weeks after 9/11, the city’s public
commons, Union Square, “was like a Fellini movie there,
artists of all kinds, painting, breakdancing, people arguing
like Hyde Park in London, a real culture-making center,”
Reverend Billy observed, imploring activists to continue the
energy. Yet, the “I kill you’s” quickly took
hold of the paradigm as the Bushies used the tragedy for their
own ends.
Joyous Resistance
Once the war started, a spirit of activism and cultural resistance
became perhaps the most important tool we had. March 22, just
two days after the bombing, United for Peace and Justice had
already scheduled yet another city wide rally “Peace and
Democracy.” Once again, light blue and black stickers
for the event could be found around city. Yet, unlike on February
15nd, this rally had been awarded a permit. I showed up Saturday
expecting a bit of a funeral march. The war had started, the
rainy protests in Times Square made for film nourish sights
of activists scuffling with police in the rain, as the ANSWER
sound system, permitted by the police, droned through the night.
In the week before the rally, few of us in the normally festive
affinity group Reclaim the Streets/ Mobilize New York few were
feeling festive. Its hard to be ironic with people really dying
on the streets. We put out a call for Funeral Block at the rally,
asking people to come as pallbearers, hysterical mourners. “Bring
your prayer beads and talismans. Wear Black. Grieve with Righteous
Anger. And get ready to march for our ailing democracy... Reclaim
the Streets Says: Mourn with Militance...”” We’d
meet at the Public Library, between the Lions (5th Ave at 41st
St) and join the rest of the March at Broadway and 40th Streets.
Yet, Saturday was joyous. Two nights before the rally,
a call went out from a renegade RTSer calling for a “French
Block” to protest the anti French tide taking across the
country, while thanking them for their hard line against the
war. What emerged was just what was called for: “A wildly
militant march of folks celebrating everything French, wearing
berets, blue and white striped shirts, smoking Gauloises, and
pumping their baguette-clenched fists up and down in the air,
shouting "Tous ensemble! Tous ensemble! Oui! Oui! Oui!"
(a chant from a French anarchist syndicate which means "All
together! All together! Yes! Yes! Yes!"). Everyone was
wearing berets, brie, bad accents, moustaches, Marseillese lyrics,
etc. What we encountered was a profound energy even after days
and weeks of constant action. The day of the rally was a strikingly
bright and energetic. While I was not as immediately ready to
be silly, there was a certain ring to the “French kiss
for peace” and “eat the props” chants members
of affinity group screamed as we munched on baggets. The exuberance
of the day was undeniable - the tranny brigade, chanted –
“we're queer!!! we're cute!!! we're antiwar to boot!!!”
Reverend Billy made peace with authentic protestors, while others
screamed at the ANSWER folks, “March, march! Chant, Chant!
Rhetoric, rhetoric! Rant, rant!….” The Glamericans
wore their feather boas and carried signs proclaiming “War
is Tacky, Darling” and “Peace is the New Black.”
ACT UP screamed, “War is so heteronormative…”
and so on and so on…The action was striking. There are
times when I do this work and feel like we are coming so much
closer to imagining and actually even creating a far more caring
world, that I am in awe. I just couldn’t believe how many
people were out dressed to the nines, the Frenchies who spoke
for all our "nausea," the Housing Works procession
with their ‘money for aids, not for war’ banners...
The ACT UP call was clear: "Given the impact the war will
have on innocent civilians and the outrageousness of the breach
of international law, combined with the likelihood that human
needs such as AIDS funding will be slashed, we urge you to demonstrate
for an end to the war. Money for human need, not the war machine."
Inevitably, the police tried to control end of the march. The
result was a disaster as countless activists were arrested for
standing in a park. Still, all in all a quarter of a million
people marched against the war that Saturday; the rally was
a great success. While we were not against the troops or America
haters, it was necessary to tell the rest of the world, there
are New Yorkers out there against the non sense. And certainly,
many of us felt that energy as it comes back to us, in spite
of what the destruction happening out there.
Enter M27
As the political stage shifted, many worked to identify and
work with the core themes that have made the direct action global
justice movement, with its emphasis on diversity, flexibility,
and deep democracy, so effective. In the days after the war
broke out, San Francisco set the standard for the country, becoming
a national epicenter for antiwar activism. The organizational
forces of the global justice movement style of loosely coordinated
affinity groups facilitated the antiwar goal of shutting down
the San Francisco Financial Center. One group after another
swarmed in to block traffic centers, clogging traffic with their
bodies. Not to be upstaged, New Yorkers from the direct action
communities of ACT UP, and the more radical types within United
for Peace and Justice formed an ad hoc coalition to plan a massive
non-violent civil disobedience through decentralized, autonomous
actions at 8 AM the following Thursday, March 27.
The target of the action was media/government collusion promoting
this war for corporate interests. The goal was to stop business
as usual. The Rockefeller Center area was chosen as the target
since many media and corporations have offices there or nearby.
The plan for the day was for a massive die-in on 5th Avenue
at Rock Center, with coordinated actions planned by affinity
groups throughout the city. In between work, dwindling personal
lives, and six months of anti war activism, few within the RTS/Mobilize
New York would be able to participate within the day’s
direct action. The previous week, many of us had contemplated
committing civil disobedience but the thundering rain, police,
and lack of a coherent target made the proposition of CD seem
less appealing in Times Square. Rockefeller Center, home of
NYC media, on the other hand – that was a target. The
ACT UP tradition of the die in was incredibly enticing.
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