Public Release!!*

Sunday, April 20th, 2008, Echo Park, Los Angeles
--> 7-8pm bookstand opens
--> 8-10ish Public Release!!* (performances and such)

(*a Kaprow inspired event, not endorsed by moca)

<the event was concurrent with the MOCA Alan Kaprow retrospective. Our publicity said that the event was inspired by Kaprow but not associated with MOCA, which it wasn't. We were playing games>

poster done by Department of Graphic Sciences with Jane Tsong's drawing. Click to expand.
100 of these posters were hung up in the neighborhood.

In collaboration with Routes and Methods, this was reading/performance happening at our local Vons
supermarket parking lot.

von's large empty parking lot.
next to this lot is the taco truck, the Taco Zone. The
event occured at a time when the city was cracking down
on taco trucks. This was an act of solidarity.

Participants were asked to come in this manner:
--> You are invited
----> bring something or someone picked up along the way
----> park, lock, walk; then processions and car-iographies
----> consume late night tacos and groceries
----> extend invitations without alienations
----> rant away with radio play
--> and your departure

We had a roving bookstand to sell Atlas' and Issue 5's

rolling bookcart pushed by Lex Bhagat of the Atlas
Cart designed by Jessica Fleischmann

The second Picture is the flag atop the pole seen in the left-hand picture.

Cultural Activist extraordinaire Fred Dewey read his issue 5 article standing on the roof of a car.

We handed out cards with rubber-stamped phrases we'd made to the audience with performance instructions.
The cards read as follows:

  Stamp #1:
 Space Bicycles
 inner orbits
 outer orbits
 any number
 any speed





Stamp #2:
 boundaries borders bodies
 1. north if new
 2. east if sunset
 3. south if elysian
 4. west if you're sure
 5. repeat




Stamp #3:
 map your journey (a line drawing of the parking lot)






In response ot prompt #3, swarms of cyclists and skateboarders began to perpetually circle through the lot, leaving chalk lines as they went.

A human-size robot appeared.
A women sold artwork out the back of her car.
A beat-box dj crew arrived.

It was a great time.

Hang out! Chalk drawing in the Vons' parking lot.

some attendeess eating tacos, buying books and chatting in the empty lot.

another random image