Conversations and presentations are an opportunity dialog and idea exchange, so we embrace each opportunity.
Lectures and public presentations are a part of the editorial collective's practice. Our approach to conversations is dialogical, situated and creative.
Lecture fees and Journal Sales are what fund our project.

notes for a lecture (click to see full page)
Archive Berlin - Circulation (With Chris Lee & Ultra-red)
Mzin Leipzig
Tromso Norway - Economy/Art/Sustainability
ICA London - Publish or Be Damned
Globale Film Festival- Panel on Media Implossion (organized by XLterrestrials) at c-base
Merz Akademie- Wahlwoche (proposed by Katja Eydel)
Malmo Kunstakademie- Workshop, MA Critical Pedogogical and Critical (with Maj Hasager)
USC- Organized by A.L. Steiner
CalArts- Critical Studies Thursday Night Reading (organized by Matias Viegener)
NABA- Workshop, MFA Practice and Curatorial Class (invited by Marco Scotini)
Left Forum- Panel organized by Platypus with Stephen Duncombe, Yes Men
Parsons School of Design- With Change You Want to See/No Space, WAGE
USC- Organized by Sue Bell Yank
Trampoline House- Trauma Therapy Workshop (link to Trampoline House)
Det Jyske Kunstakademi in Arhuss- Lecture (invited by Brett Bloom)
Danish Royal Accademy- Weeklong Workshop on dialog and conversation (invited by Nils Norman)
Zurich Accademy of Art- Lecture "Intentionality and Social Probability" (invited by Gerald Raunig)
Southern Methodiist University Art Work Conference June 2010
Otis College of Art May 2010
PSU: Monday Night Public Practice Lecture Series
UC Riverside- Michael Wilson. Topics in Contemporary Art
CalArts- Andrea Bowers Art Class
Otis- School of Public Practice lecture
CalArts- Sam Durant and Nancy Buchanan Art Class
UC Santa Barbara- residency with UCIRA
UC Irvine- Graduate Lecture Series (invited by Jenny Yurshansky)
Cooper Union- Student Lecture Series (Invited by Lena Imamura) New York NY
Change You Want to See Gallery, Brooklyn NY
Publico Transitorio- Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art
Reading at Skylight Books (link to Lucas Michael's reading)
University of Southern California- Graduate Art Lecture Series Pablo Helguera's School of Panamerican Unrest Panel Discussion at LA><ART, Culver City CA
Fine Print, PS 1 NY, NY
The Journal of Aesthetics and Protest was invited to participate in PS 1 performance series.
Failure: Ethics and Aesthetics, University of California Irvine Irvine, CA
Conference sponsored by the Visual Studies Program of UCI
Journal Of Aesthetics & Protest, The Museum School Boston ,MA
50 years of images against war, Bluestockings Books NY, NY
Journal of Aesthetics & Protest, Claremont Graduate School Claremont, CA
Visiting Artist Lecture Series with Aaron Gach (organized by Enid Baxter Blader)
New Genres Undergaduate Seminar (Andrea Zittel) USC LA, CA
Critical Responses (Walead Beshty, Thomas Lawson) Calarts Valencia, CA
Whispering in the Dark, Empyre listserve
November moderator for new media listserve.
Alternate Institutions, Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions LA, CA Panelist and consultant for SOCAS event (Southern California Consortium of Art Schools)
Vistiting Artist Lecture Series,University of California Irvine Irvine, CA
Troubled Sleep, California Institute of the Arts Valencia, CA Art in the Age of Bush with Andrea Bowers, Laura Owens and Future Farmers.
Social Sculpture,Teknica Radika Conference; University of California San Diego San Diego, CA Technology and art conference.
Undergraduate Art Department Lecture Series, UCLA Los Angeles, CA
Post-Modernism, Globalization and Propaganda, Free University LA at Flor y Canto Los Angeles, CA “Class” for D.I.Y. free school.
Version<04 Chicago, Activist/Art/ convergence
What Is to Be Done?, Lenin Museum Tempere, Finland In LA, we sat around and talked about it.
Reclaiming Public Space, A.T.A. SF, CA
Counter Culture, Imperial Theater LA, CA Conference organized by the Journal of Aesthetics and Protest along with Nomads and Residents LA.
Art Within Protest, WHRB Radio “Sunday News Magazine” Cambridge, MA Panelist on radio program.
The Journal of Aesthetics & Protest, Otis School of the Arts LA, CA
Critical Studies Program Guest Artist Workshop, California Institute of the Arts Valencia, CA Presentation for MFA
Zirkeltraining, Lothringer Strasse 13 Munich, Germany
Reading, Soft Skull Press NY, NY Journal of Aesthetics and Protest,
16 Beaver Street NY, NY
The Theater of Protest, Many Faces of War Conference; Art in Action LA, CA The power of symbols in art history and contemporary protest.
Art and Politics Panel Discussion, Avenue 50 Gallery Highland Park.