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Asociación de Arte Útil
a nomadic and multiform platform for usership

John Byrne, Liverpool John Moores University - School of Art and Design
Gemma Medina Estupiñán, Asociación de Arte Útil
Alessandra Saviotti, Asociación de Arte Útil



Repurposing Education Through Constituent Use

Text by John Byrne

The Office of Useful Art in Granby, Liverpool, 2016.

The Office of Useful Art at the Liverpool John Moores University, organised by Liverpool School of Art and Design, Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, Tate Liverpool and Exhibition Research Lab, 2015. Photo: Gemma Medina


Acting as an Infiltrator

Text by Alessandra Saviotti

The Evolving Office: an Arte Útil Project, organised by the students of the Collaborative Practice Module - Fall/Spring 2017, San Francisco Art Institute, US

Escuela de Arte Útil, a commissioned art project for the exhibition Tania Bruguera: Talking to Power / Hablándole al Poder, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, 2017. Courtesy Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. Photo: Nando Alvarez-Perez.

Escuela de Arte Útil, a commissioned art project for the exhibition Tania Bruguera: Talking to Power / Hablándole al Poder, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, 2017. Courtesy Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. Photo: Nando Alvarez-Perez.


Emancipating the local user

Text by Gemma Medina Estupiñán

Visit to ‘t Strijps Hûkske, Agents of Change’s tour to Strijp District. Photo: Ron Krielen.

Alternative economies workshop, Van Abbemuseum. Photo: Minsung Wang.

Tour’s map and postcards. Photo: Ron Krielen.

The 80’s: today’s beginnings exhibition. Van Abbemuseum.

Visit to Huiskamer Tivoli, Agents of Change’s tour to stratum. Photo: Connor Trawinsky.

Ongemakkelijk diner (Uncomfortable diner), performance-workshop organized by the community of Drents Dorp Hoofdkwartier at Van Abbemuseum. Photo: Niek Tijsse Klasen



Binder, Thomas, Eva Brandt, Brendon Clark, and Joachim Halse, eds. 2010. Rehearsing the Future. Copenhagen: The Danish Design School Press.

Byrne, John. 2016. “Social Autonomy and the Use Value of Art.” Afterall, Autumn/Winter 2016.

Cameron, Duncan. 1971. “The Museum, a Temple or the Forum.” Curator: The Museum Journal, 1971.

Krielen, Ron, Gemma Medina, Christina van Meegen, Conor Trawinski, and Wang Minsung. 2017. Agents of Change. Eindhoven: The Umbrella Network.

Lucassen, Jan. 1997. Newcomers: Immigrants and Their Descendants in the Netherlands 1550-1995. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.

Papanek, Victor. 1974. Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change. St. Albans: Granada Publishing.

Ruskin, John. 2007. Unto This Last. London: FQ Classic.

———. 2016a. “Lecture IV, The Relation of Art to Use.” In Lectures on Art Delivered before the University of Oxford in Hilary Term, 1870. Leopold Classic Library.

———. 2016b. Lectures on Art Delivered before the University of Oxford in Hilary Term, 1870. Leopold Classic Library.

The Gandhi Foundation. 2009. “Gandhi and Ruskin.” The Gandhi Foundation (blog). December 21, 2009.

Virtual Department of Dutch. 2018. “History of Immigration in The Netherlands.” History of Immigration in The Netherlands. 2018.

Vries, Marc J. de, and Kees Boersma. 2005. 80 Years of Research at the Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium 1914-1994: The Role of the National Lab at Philips. Amsterdam: Pallas Publications.

Wright, Stephen. 2013. Toward a Lexicon of Usership. EINDHOVEN: Van Abbemuseum


A Grade II listed Victorian community arts and heritage venue, located in the Toxteth area of south Liverpool, which is an area of high density unemployment and long-term poverty:


A ‘creative arts and well-being recovery community project’ based in Birkenhead – again an area of high unemployment and long-term poverty on the Mersey estuary directly opposite the city of Liverpool:


In the Gandhi’s own words: ‘”Unto This Last”, I translated it later into Gujarati entitling it ‘Sarvodaya’ (the welfare of all). I believe that I discovered some of my deepest convictions reflected in this great book of Ruskin and that is why it so captured me and made me transform my life.’ (The Gandhi Foundation 2009)


The Arte Util archive can be found at [accessed 22.12.2020]

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The criteria are listed on the web page of the Asociación de Arte Útil: [accessed 20.12.2020]


'The Museum of Arte Util' was the first exhibition organised as part of 'The Uses of Art – The Legacy of 1848 and 1989' a program developed by L'Internationale, a confederation of six European modern and contemporary art institutions and partners. [accessed 20.12.2020]

9 [accessed 20.12.2020]


For more information about the Students' Debt in United States go to [accessed 20.12.2020]


'Evolving the archive: Arte Útil in the Bay Area' was a collaborative class conceived as a joint venture between YBCA, the Asociación de Arte Útil, and SFAI. It is conceived as a contribution to the exhibition 'Tania Bruguera: Talking to Power / Hablandole al Poder', which is organised by YBCA. It was co-taught by Fiona Hovenden, Lucía Sanromán and Alessandra Saviotti.

12 [accessed 20.12.2020]


The same idea of 'rehearsing the future' is formulated by Thomas Binder in his essay included the book published under the same title (Binder et al. 2010). In the introductory essay Binder considers performativity of co-creations in the context of design practices as an example of understanding usership as a condition situated between duty and rebellion. He argues that the process represents the tension between creating new conditions for socially engaged art and conditions of labour.


Following the municipal record of inhabitants dated in January 1st 2017. Web: [accessed 20.12.2020].