Situating Ourselves in Displacement: Conditions, experiences and subjectivity across neoliberalism and precarity
Through embodied voices- a publication that theoretically, artistically and poetically approaches the common political and psychologial/psycho-soclal problem of being displaced, by being at the margins of power, politics, and neoliberalism.
Editors: Murmurae (Paula Cobo-Guevarra, Manuela Zechner) & Joaap (Marc Herbst)
Contributors: Alan Moore, Amit S. Rai, Bue Rübner Hansen, Claire English, Claudia Delso, Cristina Ribas, Esquizo Grupo Barcelona, Jara Rocha, Julius, Laura Lapinskiene, Manuela Zechner, Marc Herbst, Ninaha, Sara Larsdotter Hallqvist, Paula Cobo–Guevara
Designer: Anja Kaiser
Co-published with Minor Compositions
Displacement is a key paradigm of our time, for who can afford not to move, to shift, to change, to develop and improve – or to be moved, shifted, displaced? Situatedness is a key condition for solid and sustainable practices, in politics, arts, research or otherwise. Yet situatedness is not something we can take for granted today. What is the meaning of situatedness within displacement?
In this book we address conditions, experiences and subjectivity as shaped by the tension(s) between displacement and situatedness. Neoliberalism and precarity are the main contexts we depart from in developing concepts, tools and tactics that stem from our collective and individual lives.
What do politics and ethics mean in the context of frequent displacements? How do we understand and give account of our positionality and trajectory as itinerant subjects? What tools do we have for orienting ourselves in new contexts, for mapping out stakes, problems and possibilities of relating?
Paperback workbook available
Official release to the book trade in through Minor Compositions in the Fall 2018.
Available direct from Aesthetics & Protest
You can also download it here:
Situating Ourselves in Displacement.
224 pages, A5 Trim
$14 + ($6 shipping and handling- anywhere)
This is an absolutely lovely book- (design-wise). but the fully designed
Free Pdf is avaliable here (opens up the the Minor Composition page)
Table of Contents (page sample)
Editor's Bios:
Paula Cobo-Guevara is at no distance from a medi-terranean city which constantly teaches her new affects and knowings – after a long drift, a territory which enables her different modes of transference and healing to a long and narrow country facing the south pacific ocean and it’s disappeared bodies.
Marc Herbst:
I am in a small room thinking
about the room next
door. I will be leaving
thehouse soon.
Manuela Zechner is 1,300 km south-west from the alpine mountain place thatfeels like her (impossible) home, four years from the UK student movement which felt like a real awakening, and still (possibly interminably) processing her recent displacements across the uncanny European continent.