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#10 intro
Points of interest
2 non-maps

Paula Cobo-Guevara: Displacement: A molecular map of discomforts

Amber Hickey: Europeans are so far removed from who we are as a people


Brett Bloom: Searching For Spiritual Connections To Landscapes In The Throes Of Breakdown

Rachel O'Reilly & Danny Butt: Infrastructures of Autonomy on the Professional Frontier: ‘Art and the

Boycott of/as Art'


Displacement: A molecular map of discomforts

Paula Cobo-Guevara


These modest notes are the result of a molecular mapping working across the microcosms and effects linked to displacement –in relationship to the experience of composing politically and affectively within a new city. The context of this ‘arrival’ into this new territory is situated from my experience within the construction of a mostly precarious feminist collective. These are preliminary notes resulting from the relationships across a diagram of feelings and affects in the context of experimenting the death of this group.

paula line

These lines of text are pretty much situated from a collapsed desire in a body (‘my’body), from fatigue and exhaustion. A molecular map –of perhaps– micro symptomatologies. So, in a clumsy way, this is a very modest diagam of mostly draft-like questions and rethorical ramblings around various discomfort(s) within this process; they appear as intuitions, lines of conflict, crystallizations and dynamics of subjectivation on the notions of feeling displaced: collectivelly, individually– but also It’s as vectors of
possibility and intensity.

Inside (and but also outside the borders of the map): a constellation of diferent bodies being moved, affected, seduced by a place and by others; their ways/modes of encounters, compositions, decompositions, mutations. The body’s capacity to affect and be affected; the ecology of relationships and conversations that made me/us, me/you/we feel moved. The capacity to project a desire– but also the capacity to sustain it, and the capacity to mutate this same image into something else.

One of the molecular elements that I followed within this process was experimenting with high doses of individualism within a collectivity. Its sad passion; the maladie du siècle: anxiety, isolation, enclosure; but also within this same nodes of problematics, the capacity to re-elaborate this negative affect and mutate this collapsed desire into other machines. Hopefuly this map serves as a visualizing tool to further unfold and spur intervention strategies to deal both individually and collectively with these questions that transverse us in many different ways.