Web Only Articles

Feminism and Art
      Emma Mahony- 'Why have there been no great artist-mothers? (after Linda Nochlin)

Justice Reports
      Sarah Ross- Interview with Sarah Ross of Prison + Neighborhood Arts Project
      Richard Gilman-Opalsky- The Ferguson Revolt Did Not Take Place

      Ongoing blog project on communizing the cultural insitutions (View Blog Here)
      With recent contributions by Abigail Satinsky & Anthony Romero, Cassie Thornton,
      The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination. And many more.

Dispatches from Occupy Wall Street
      #Occupy Wall Street- Mark Read (dispatch 1)
      #Occupy Wall Street- Barbara Adams (dispatch 1, dispatch 2)
      #Occupy Oakland- Irina Contreras (dispatch 1, dispatch 2, dispatch 3)
      #Occupy Carbondale- Sarah Lewison (dispatch 1)
      - Research Project loosely based on rubrics created by Ultra-red (rubric)

Reframing the value of art and fair labor in the context of a sharing economy
Natalia Ivanova Mount

Demanding the future?... What a Demand Can Do

By Bertie Russel

"New York Fun Exchange” Reflections on a Ludic Occupation!
A diary of OWS performance

By Benjamin Shepard

Surrealism, Dada and the Refusal of Work: Autonomy, Activism and Social Participation in the Radical Avant-Garde (opens PDF)
By Gavin Grindon
(originally published in The Oxford Art Journal 34:1, 2011. pp.79-96)

The 1st and 2nd Whiskey Rebellions
By Jim Costanzo

A Brief Genealogy of Social Sculpture
By Alan W. Moore

David Solnit and The Arts of Change
Jen Angel interviews David Solnit

Do-It-Yourself Geopolitics: Cartographies of Art in the World
by Lothar Blissant aka Brian Holmes

No one likes a talking cunt.
Tessa Laird on Chris Kraus’s Video Green

Community Building in the Era of the Patriot ACT; Arrested for Stickering, Biking, and other Misadventures (with Creative Direct Action)
by Benjamin Shepard

La República Popular de la Gráfica.
Rubén Ortiz Torres on Taller Popular de Serigrafía

Letter from Caracas: State of the Arts, No Magic Bullets
Chris Gilbert & Cira Pascual Marquina

The Aesthetics of Failure, An Introduction; Too Late.
Robby Herbst

Aesthetic and Political Avant-Gardes
By George Katsiaficas

CIRCA:   The Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army
By LM Bogad

General Introduction to Collectivity in Modern Art
By Alan Moore

Welcome to the Cultural Goodwill Revolution: On Class Composition in the Age of Classless Struggle
by Marc J Leger